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Shenzhen Pingshan Sports Park is proposed to be built into a sports park featuring “badminton” as the theme, as well as a National Badminton Training Center integrating practice, scientific research and training. The International Tender for Architectural Design of Shenzhen Pingshan Sports Park was issued on January 8th, 2024, and the pre-qualification application was closed on February 21st, with 56 application documents received. Among the 46 valid applications, 82 design companies in total participated in this tender, including experienced large-scale institutes, global top-class design companies and well-known architectural design companies in China. The finalist has been announced on Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website

The host is People's Government of Pingshan District, and the tenderee is Bureau of Public Works of Pingshan District. The co-organizer is Position Architecture Co., Ltd, Shenzhen.

查看入围方案 >> Click to See the Shortlisted Schemes >>

项目背景Project Background

Pingshan District in Shenzhen acts as an important node for the eastward development of Shenzhen. However, the eastern part of Shenzhen lacks large-scale cultural and sports complexes and supporting service facilities. The project aims to address the shortcoming of uneven distribution of large-scale cultural and sports facilities in Shenzhen, as well as reaching higher level of national fitness and meeting the ecreational and fitness needs of the public. It is proposed to build a sports park featuring “badminton” as the theme, and to construct a National Badminton Training Center integrating practice, scientific research and training.


△ 项目区位示意图 ©有方
Project Location Diagram ©POSITION

项目定位Project Positioning

1. 项目坚持高起点布局、高品质建设、高水平运营,旨在打造能承办包括国际顶级羽毛球赛事在内的多种高规格赛事的重要场馆。
The project will pursue high standards and quality in terms of planning, construction, and operation. It aims to build an important arena which is capable of accommodating multiple high-level sporting events, including top-level international badminton games.

2. 项目拟建设为以“羽毛球”为主题的特色复合体育公园,集国际体育交流、新兴运动体验、专业文体研讨等功能于一体,推动大众体育科学发展,打造绿色便捷的全民健身新载体,构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系。
The project is planned to be built into a distinctive sports park featuring "badminton" as the theme, integrating programs such as international sports exchange, emerging sports experience, professional sports and cultural seminars, etc. It aims to promote the development of public sports in a scientific way, create a green and convenient new platform for national fitness, and build a national fitness public service system of a higher level.

3. 项目旨在成为深圳文体旅融合发展的新典范,拓展“体育+”内容,展现全民健身多元价值。
The project is intends to become a new paradigm for the integrated development of cultural, sports and tourism industries in Shenzhen, expanding the scope of “Sports+” and showing the diversified value of national fitness.

△ 场地视频 ©有方
Site Video ©POSITION

设计原则Design Principes

This project encourages designers to conduct in-depth analyses of site conditions, surrounding environment and target users, and to propose reasonable design schemes. Designers should consider usage scenarios for different groups and various activities, focusing on the technical requirements of National Badminton Training Center, as well as different demands during closed training period for national badminton teams and non-training period, in-season and off-season of sports games. Design proposals should adhere to the following principles:

Economic Practicality

The design should strictly adhere to the principle of economic practicality, adopt suitable structure forms and materials, and strike a balance between aesthetics and practicality. Designers should thoroughly consider the physical and mental health of professional athletes as well as their training needs from the user's perspective, creating a pleasant and humanized sports environment.

Professionalism in Arena Design

The arena design should consider the requirements of international top-level games for badminton and other sports, providing a professional competition environment and state-of-the-art facilities. The arena should meet the demands of accommodating various large-scale activities, such as competitions, conferences, exhibitions, and performances, to deliver outstanding audio-visual experiences for the audience. In the meanwhile, it should offer convenient services, create a dynamic business atmosphere, increase business value, and promote the integrated development of cultural, sports and tourism industries.

Urban Publicness

The design should emphasize coordination with the surrounding elements such as city blocks, existing buildings and natural landscapes to create a harmonious relationship. The goal is to cultivate a positive atmosphere for community sports, contributing to the development of high-quality urban public spaces. The sports facilities should meet the sports and cultural activity demands of the surrounding community, establishing a shared platform for national fitness. It is also important to meet the needs of different age groups and interest communities, creating a diversified, pleasant and open environment for community sharing.

Ecology and Sustainability

Design should adhere to the principles of green ecology and sustainable development, and use eco-friendly materials and energy-saving technologies such as PEDF technology according to local conditions. The project should meet the national 3-star green building standards, reduce operational and maintenance costs, and achieve low energy consumption in operation and sustainable development.

项目概况Project Overview

The project site is located in the Shahu Community of Biling Sub-district, Pingshan District, Shenzhen. The site is within a triangular plot on the northwest of the intersection of Jinlong Boulevard and Zhenbi Road. The site area covers 135197 square meters,planned with a gross floor area of approximately 209000 square meters. The main construction content includes a 15000-seat sports arena, 100 indoor badminton courts, the National Badminton Training Center, a national fitness center (including a natatorium, a multi-functional badminton sports hall, sports training services, etc.), outdoor activity spaces and supporting services.


△ 基地区位示意图 ©有方
Site Location Diagram ©POSITION

The surrounding road condition is well-developed, with Zhenbi Road on the south, Jinlong Boulevard on the east. The northwest side is adjacent to the Pingyan Expressway. The site features excellent scenic conditions, with Dashanpi Reservoir to the east, Maluan Mountain Country Park to the south, and Tangkeng Water Park to the north.


△ 交通条件示意图 ©有方
Transportation Diagram ©POSITION

The surroundings are mainly residential areas and industrial parks, with abundant educational resources. To the west is the High School of Shenzhen Experimental School (in which the comprehensive high school is under construction, others are already completed). To the southwest is Shenzhen Pingshan District People's Hospital (under construction), and to the south are the Longlin Industry and Trade Industrial Park, Shum Yep Shanshui Dongcheng Residential Community, and Jinlong Primary School. The plot on the east is currently occupied by Nanfang Zhongji Eastern Logistics, which will be planned for residential use in the future. Most of the northeastern side is occupied by residential communities. There are currently no development plans for the reserved land opposite the north side of the site.


△ 周边用地规划及周边设施示意图 ©有方
Diagram of Surrounding Land Use Planning and Facilities ©POSITION


△ 基地范围示意图 ©有方
Site Diagram ©POSITION


△ 基地现状航拍照片 ©有方
Aerial Photos of Site Current Situation ©POSITION


△ 坪盐通道高架下方停车场 ©有方
Car Park under Pingyan Expressway ©POSITION

Click the image below to check the panorama of the site.

招标方式Tender Procedure

The tender adopts the form of “open procedure”, which is conducted in 3 phases: pre-qualification, design competition and final evaluation. The remuneration will be received by the qualified shortlisted bidders that fail to win in this tender.


Phase I: Pre-qualification Phase

The entrant is required to submit a concept proposal and the Company Profile and Credit Files. The submission of the concept proposal should be limited to A3 booklets with 5 single-sided pages and 2 pieces of A1 design boards. Over-commercialized renderings are not encouraged. Before the evaluation of the concept proposals, the tenderee will organize an eligibility review of application documents for validity. The evaluation of Phase I consists of two steps.

Step I: The submitted concept proposals for evaluation will be "anonymous". The Pre-qualification Panel will only evaluate the valid concept proposals, and select 10 entrants (without ranking) to enter Step II by open ballot (round-by-round voting).

Step II: The anonymity will be lifted. The Pre-qualification Panel will comprehensively evaluate submissions from the 10 entrants selected in Step I. The submissions for evaluation include concept proposals, relevant experiences and proposed design team members. The concept proposal will be the dominant factor in the evaluation, while the team composition and the experiences will be auxiliary factors. The panel will select 5 shortlisted bidders (hereinafter referred to as “bidder”, without ranking) and 2 alternative entrants (with ranking) by open ballot (round-by-round voting). If any of the bidders withdraws within 7 days after receiving the Tender Document, 2 alternative entrants will replace in ranking order.

Phase II: Design Competition Phase

In Phase II, design submissions for evaluation will be “non-anonymous”. The bidders will visit the site and communicate with the host, tenderee and the operator, before they submit the complete design submissions. The project leader or chief designer must conduct a presentation and interview during the Design Evaluation Meeting. The Design Evaluation Panel shall conduct a detailed review with full discussions on design submissions from bidders. The Design Evaluation Panel will vote by open ballot (round-by-round voting) to determine 3 finalists (without ranking). The remaining 2 bidders will receive the Shortlist Awards.

Phase III: Final Evaluation Phase

定标委员会从评标委员会推荐的3个中标候选人(无排序)中确 1个中标人,中标人获得设计合同,其余2名获得优秀奖
The Final Evaluation Panel shall determine 1 winner from the 3 finalists (without ranking) which recommended by the Design Evaluation Panel. The design contract shall be signed with the winner; the other 2 finalists will receive the Excellence Awards.

资格预审阶段概念提案Concept Proposal for the Pre-qualification Phase

The concept proposal shall provide original ideas according to the interpretation of all information in the Design Brief. The contents of the concept proposal should focus on understanding design principles and proposing overall strategies, in which architectural layout, massing relations and usage strategies could be presented. Suggested contents are as follows:

1. 提案名称及设计理念说明;
Proposal name and design concept;

2. 总体规划及功能布局;
Overall planning and functional layout;

3. 不同时段(训练期与非训练期、赛时与非赛时)的开放策略及使用分析;
Building opening strategies and usage analysis in different periods (closed training period and non-training period, in-season and off-season of sports games);

4. 建筑概念草图;
Conceptual drawings of buildings;

5. 投标申请人认为能体现提案特点的其他内容。
Other contents expressing the characteristics of the proposal.

Note: Conceptual drawings and analysis diagrams can be hand sketches.

The package of pre-qualification application documents should include both paper and electronic documents of the concept proposal booklet, design boards and Company Profile and Credit Files. For specification, quantity, compiling requirements and submitting methods, please refer to the Pre-qualification Document.

Pre-qualification Application Documents Submission Deadline: 18:00 (UTC+8) February 21 (Wednesday), 2024

招标内容Tender Scope

The tender scope (design service) will cover the full process, all phases and all disciplines of the project design within the site boundary and ancillary works outside the boundary. The work content includes but is not limited to the following aspects: schematic design and optimization, design development (excluding budget estimation), construction documents (including various related disciplines such as fine decoration), multimedia presentation documents, green building consulting, construction documents review, coordination and services during construction implementation, subsequent related tracking services, as-built drawings preparation, as-built surveying and mapping with subsequent services, modeling and application of BIM for all disciplines during the design phase, and other work to be completed by the design team in accordance with relevant national regulations and specifications.

The detailed work content is subject to the signed design contract.

设计费及落标补偿费Design Fee and Remuneration

The total design fee is tentatively set at RMB 53300000 (tax inclusive), which consists of the design fee of RMB 49302700 (tentative) for the winner and the remuneration of RMB 4000000 in total. The total design fee includes the engineering design fee (excluding budget estimation), as-built drawings preparation fee, BIM consulting service fee and green building consulting fee.

The awards and remuneration (tax inclusive) are set as follows:


报名条件Eligibility Requirements

(一)投标申请人资质要求 Qualification Requirements for Entrants

This tender adopts the method of pre-qualification. The entrant must be a domestic or overseas legally registered company / partnership enterprise / other organization. Application from an individual or a group of individuals is not accepted. Application from a consortium entrant (hereinafter referred to as “consortium”) is accepted, and the specific qualification requirements are as follows:

1. 投标申请人须具备建筑行业(建筑工程)设计甲级或以上设计资质。联合体报名的,须至少一个成员单位满足该资质要求。
The entrant must have a Class-A Qualification Certificate in Architectural Industry (Architectural Engineering) or a higher qualification certificate. For a consortium, at least one of the members must meet the above requirement on the qualification requirement.

2. 联合体须符合以下要求:
The consortium must meet the following requirements:

One consortium consists of no more than 2 members (including the leading member). The qualification of the consortium shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, the work distribution of each member specified in the Consortium Agreement shall meet the qualification requirements of their corresponding disciplines.

If an overseas company forms a consortium with a domestic company, the domestic company should be the leading member of the consortium, and must have a Class-A Qualification Certificate in Architectural Industry (Architectural Engineering) or a higher qualification certificate. The overseas company of the consortium must provide a document confirming its business registration in the country (or region) where the company is located, or provide the design practice license issued by the authorities of the country (or region) where the company is located, or license issued by the relevant organization of the industry, and Chinese translation of the documents must be provided as well.

Each member of the consortium should not apply alone or participate in another consortium.

The consortium members should sign a legal Consortium Agreement and specify the leading member, as well as the work distribution in each design phase, share of the design fee and the way of distribution.

3. 法定代表人(合伙人)为同一个人的两个及两个以上企业或机构,母公司及其全资子公司,存在控股、管理关系的公司,视为同一投标单位,不得以多个投标申请人名义同时提出资格预审申请。
Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative (business partner), a parent company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, and companies that have a holding or management relationship are regarded as the same entrant and not allowed to apply as different entrants at the same time.

(二)项目负责人资格要求 Qualification Requirements for Project Leader

The project leader is required to be a Class 1 Registered Architect in China. For a consortium, the project leader must be a staff from the leading member.

Note: According to the Notice on the Use of the Electronic Registration Certificate of a Registered Architect from the National Registered Architect Management Committee (Zhu Jian [2021] No. 2), "The electronic certificates will be fully implemented from July 1, 2022, and the previous paper certificates will become invalid." Please strictly follow the relevant requirements of this notice to provide the certificate.


Pre-qualification Panel

In Alphabetical Order by Name


Founder and Chief Architect of Vector Architects
Foreign Member of French Academy of Architecture


Partner of ISOZAKI + HuQian Partners


Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Founder and Chief Architect of Shenzhen Huahui Design
Engineering Survey and Design Master of Shenzhen


Founder and Chief Architect of iNgAmE Office


Associate Professor of Department of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong
Director of the Center for Chinese Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Hong Kong Chief Architect of Zhutao Architecture


Lead Architect of Shenzhen X-URBAN ARCHITECTS
Chief Architect of Pingshan District



In the evaluation for “anonymous” concept proposals, the pre-qualification panel selected top 10 entrants (without ranking), and the list is as follows:


Note: The shortlist is subject to the announcement released on the Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website. Announcement link:


Design Evaluation Panel

In Alphabetical Order by Name

邓志伟 DENG Zhiwei

Deputy Chief Architect of Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Chairman of Sports Architecture and Industry Development Research Institute
Director of Sports Architecture Research Center of China Sports Venue Association

蒋玉辉 JIANG Yuhui

中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司副总建筑师、体育建筑设计研究中心总建筑师 四川省工程勘察设计大师
Deputy Chief Architect of China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp., Ltd., Chief Architect of Sports Architectural Design and Research Center Engineering Survey and Design Master of Sichuan Province

孟建民(评审组长) MENG Jianmin (Jury Chair)

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.

孙一民 Sun Yimin

National Engineering Survey and Design Master, Chang Jiang Scholars Program - Distinguished Professor
Professor of School of Architecture, South China University of Technology
Outstanding Teacher of National "Ten Thousand Talents Program", Vice Chairman of Urban Planning Society of China

汤朔宁 TANG Shuoning

The First Engineering Survey and Design Master of Shanghai
President and Chief Architect of Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University


Vice Chairman of the International Union of Architects
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Distinguished Professor of National Talents
Dean and Professor of the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
Chief Architect of Tsinghua University Architectural Design and Research Institute

徐兴家(招标人代表) XU Xingjia (Representative of Tenderee)

Member of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Pingshan District, Shenzhen, and the Minister of Department of Publicity


Design submissions for evaluation will be “non-anonymous” and the meeting was supervised by the staff of Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., Ltd. throughout the process. After carefully listening to the presentations of the designers from 5 bidders and the answers to the queries, the panel carefully reviewed and discussed all valid design submissions, as well as giving their comments and optimization suggestions.

Adhering to the principles of fairness and impartiality, after 2-round 2-time voting, the panel selected 3 Finalists (without ranking) and the other 2 Shortlisted Awards (without ranking). The design evaluation results are as follows:


获奖方案展示Winning Scheme Gallery


香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司(牵头单位) // MVRDV B.V.





Shortlisted Award

中国建筑科学研究院有限公司(牵头单位) // 青亭建筑设计(北京)有限公司

Shortlisted Award

深圳机械院建筑设计有限公司(牵头单位) // FUKSASARCHITECTURES.R.L.

知识产权条款(节选)Intellectual Property Rights (Excerpt)

完整内容见《资格预审文件》。 Please refer to the Pre-qualification Document for the complete content.

1. 投标申请人应保证设计成果中所有内容均为投标申请人原创,不包合任何侵犯第三方知识产权的内容及资料。投标申请人不得剽窃、抄袭他人方案。如存在侵权行为,将由涉及侵权的投标申请人自行承担一切法律及经济后果。招标人有权取消其资格预审申请资格,不予支付或要求退回落标补偿费。
The entrants should ensure that all contents of the design submissions are all original and produced by themselves and contain no contents which may infringe on the intellectual property rights of a third party. The entrants must not plagiarize other people’s work. Otherwise, the entrants involved in infringement shall bear all legal and economic consequences. The tenderee has the right to disqualify their pre-qualification applications and will not pay or request returning the remuneration.

2. 中标人成果的知识产权,属于中标人所有。招标人在与中标人签订合同后,对中标人提交的成果的知识产权享有独占使用权(仅限于本项目)。未中标的投标人成果的知识产权,属于未中标的投标人所有,招标人在给未中标的投标人支付落标补偿费后,在不照搬原设计的情况下可以借鉴使用局部设计亮点(仅限于本项目)。
The winner retains the intellectual property rights of its design submissions. For the winner's design submissions, the organizer has the exclusive right to use the winning design submissions (only in this project) after the contract is signed between the tenderee and the winner. The shortlisted but not-winning bidders retain the intellectual property rights of their design submissions. After the remuneration has been paid to the shortlisted but not-winning bidders by the tenderee, the tenderee has the right to partially adopt and integrate the design ideas of the shortlisted but not-winning bidders without copying the original design in this project (only in this project).

3. 投标人对投标成果的宣传应事先征得主办单位书面同意。招标人及组织策划单位有权对投标人提交的部分或全部投标成果进行发布、宣传、出版和展示,但应注明设计方的名称。
The bidders should obtain the written consent of the tenderee before promoting their design submissions. The tenderee and co-organizer have the right to use the design submissions for promotion, publication and display, while the name of the bidders should be mentioned.

4. 中标结果正式公布及公示结束前,任何人员或机构未征得招标人书面许可,不得以任何方式披露、公开或展示其成果及任何招标相关的信息和资料,否则将被依法追究相应责任,并取消其参与本次招标的资格。
Before the announcement of the tender result and the publicity period ends, any related personnel or institute is not allowed to disclose, made public or display the design submissions or any tender-related information or materials in any manner without the written permission of the tenderee. Otherwise, the corresponding party will be investigated for legal liability and disqualified from the tender.

信息发布及文件下载Tender Announcement and Document Download

The tender announcement is subject to the information on the Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website: https://www.szggzy.com

The official platform for announcement, follow-up addendum documents and Q&A is the Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website. For the official announcement and document download, please visit "Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website – Trading Information – Construction Project - Tender Announcement" . Link:

资格预审结果公示链接 ShortlistAnnouncementLink:

评标结果公示链接 FinalistAnnouncement-Link:

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主办方 Host
People's Government of Pingshan District

招标人 Tenderee
Bureau of Public Works of Pingshan District

组织策划 Co-organizer
Position Architecture Co., Ltd, Shenzhen

招标公告官方发布平台 Tender Announcement Official Platform
Shenzhen Public Resource Trading Website

咨询邮箱 Inquiry Email

咨询电话/微信 Phone/WeChat
詹女士 Ms. Zhan +86-18028798106
赵女士 Ms. Zhao +86-18926070447

* 咨询时间:工作日9:00—12:00,13:30—18:30(北京时间)
Inquiry Hours: 9:00-12:00, 13:30-18:30 on Workdays (UTC+8)